祈りの言葉 2017年/滝下 昌文

水俣病患者・遺族代表 「祈りの言葉」
Minamata Disease Patient and Bereaved Family Representative’s “Words of Prayer”


On the occasion of the memorial service for the victims of Minamata disease, I pray for the repose of the souls of those who died of Minamata disease.


I was born in 1956, the year in which Minamata disease was officially confirmed. I am an embryonic patient. This means I suffered from Minamata disease since I was born. Therefore, I have never known myself to be healthy.
As a child, I was hospitalized at Minamata City Hospital and went to school from there. After graduating from school, other embryonic patients and I were thinking of doing something decent. Before long, I began to wonder if we could invite the singer Sayuri Ishikawa to Minamata for the sake of my cousin living at Meisuien.


When we turned 20, we formed the “Young Patients’ Association for Inviting Sayuri Ishikawa” and held the “Sayuri Ishikawa On Stage”, aiming to do something that would be recognized by people. We put up posters, sold tickets, and distributed flyers by ourselves.
As a result, more people than the capacity audience came to the concert and we made a great success. In 2010, when we held a screening of a movie that documented our activities and the concert, Ms. Ishikawa came to see us again.


When we reached the milestone of turning 60 years old, we formed the “Association of the Patients Once Young”, hoping to “invite Ms. Ishikawa again” and to “regain the energy of old those days.” However, the friends who had worked hard together since childhood became old and their bodies could no longer move as expected. Nevertheless, with the help of many people, we were able to hold Sayuri Ishikawa Concert in February of this year.


The concert was held twice a day, once in the daytime and the next in the evening, in order to attract as many people as possible. However, the tickets for the evening session did not sell well. So, we went around to Fukuoka and Kumamoto to sell them. We also asked our acquaintances to buy tickets.
On the day of the concert, many people came and we could feel their passion for us. I also felt Sayuri Ishikawa’s warmth and compassion for us.
One major milestone has come to an end. But our lives will continue from now on. Some of us have lost their parents or other family members who have supported. We are very anxious about our future.


We are embryonic patients, and we can’t do the things that many of normal people can do. I believe that the support from all of you, who continue to lend us strength, will be our strength to live in the future.
In organizing the concert, I felt everyone’s efforts close to me and they gave me great strength and confidence to live on in the future. I am also filled with gratitude for the support I received from so many people.
We can’t change the past. However, I hope that living my life to the fullest in my way will support my son and anyone else who is living for the future.


Lastly, I would like to thank all of you who are thinking of us.
Thank you very much.

May 1, 2017

患者・遺族代表  滝下 昌文
Masafumi Takishita,
Representative of Minamata Disease Patients and Bereaved Families

Reference Minamata City Minamata Disease Museum Website
翻訳 水俣インパクト  translated by minamata impact


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