祈りの言葉 2018年/金子 親雄

水俣病患者・遺族代表 「祈りの言葉」
Minamata Disease Patient and Bereaved Family Representative’s “Words of Prayer”


It’s May 1st again. I think the soul of my mother Sumiko, who died two years ago as a victim of Minamata disease, is watching over us here today.
Mom, what are you doing now?
Did you get to see my younger brother Mitsuki? Are you giving him lots of hugs?
Are you and Dad eating your favorite fish and Bina shellfish?

My brothers and I were born and raised in Myojin, a cape between Minamata Bay and the Shiranui Sea, where the sound of factories echoed in our daily lives.
In 1953, when I was two years old, I had a disease of unknown cause. My little brother, Mitsuki, passed away shortly after he was born. My father also died when I was three years old.
Later it was found that my father had a fulminant form of Minamata disease, I had a childhood Minamata disease, and my new brother, Yuji, had a fetal Minamata disease.  Catching and eating fish was a very ordinary life for us, but it led us to Minamata disease.


Mom, you were a hard worker. You were kind, and loved to see others happy. You did your best to overcome sorrow and pain at all times. It must have been so frustrating and painful for you. Now that I am a parent too, I think I can understand how you felt.
I spent my junior high school years in a hospital. After that, I went to work for Chisso Corporation, where I worked for 41 years until I retired, despite your worries. I was blessed with three precious children. All of them have grown up and I am now a grandfather, surrounded by six energetic grandchildren. Mom, Dad. You gave me the baton of life.
Mom, you were worried about the future of Yuji and other fetal Minamata disease patients until the very end. These days, Yuji can’t get his favorite sushi down his throat, and his health is deteriorating every year. Nevertheless, he never gives up the desire to eat and to walk on his own feet. With the help of many people, he has been bearing up in tragedy to survive.


Mom, I’ve never spoken in public before, and I’m sure you never dreamed that I would speak here today.
What can we do now? As the years go by, we must never forget.
Mom, you told me that you became a storyteller because, as a wife and a mother, you did not want other women in the world to experience the same suffering. Please watch over us so that many people will never have to suffer from a similar tragedy again.
“The person who has suffered the most can be the happiest.”
With such a strong heart, we will turn the fate of Minamata disease into our mission, and continue to lead a life that gives courage to others by overcoming difficulties.


Lastly, I pray for the souls of the many victims of Minamata disease.
May they rest in peace.

May 1, 2018

患者・遺族代表  金子 親雄
Chikao Kaneko, Representative of Minamata Disease Patients and Bereaved Families

Reference Minamata City Minamata Disease Museum Website
翻訳 水俣インパクト  translated by minamata impact


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