Network to convey “Minamata” to children
Growing up in the Kanto region, Minamata disease was nothing more than something that was mentioned in textbooks and one of the four major pollution diseases that made me remember only the year and map. By chance, I was invited to Tajima-san’s visiting activities, and when the first time I heard Mr. Tajima’s class was over, (Tajima-san says it’s not a class, but I dare to use this word) ended, I felt that I had met Minamata. At the same time, I had a feeling of lamenting, “Why hasn’t anyone told me until now that it was so related to me?!” I accompanied Tajima-san in her activities that year, and she was about to end her activities that year due to her hearing loss in one ear.
“出会ってしまったからには、何もしないわけにはいかないよなぁ……。田嶋さんが伝える活動をやめてしまったら私のように「なんで誰も教えてくれなかったの?!」と思う人が増えてしまう。” と、心を突き動かされていた時に田嶋さんから「伝える活動を引き継いでほしい」と言葉がけをいただいてしまった。田嶋さんが築き上げてきた20年の活動を「水俣」に出会って1、2ヶ月で水俣についてほとんど知らない私が引き継ぐだなんて、あまりにも重い荷に即答はできなかった。だけど、ここで断る自分と引き受ける自分、どちらの自分でありたいかと自問の末、「やるしかないな」と言う答えが出てきた。そこから必死で学び、子どもたちの時間をいただいても許されるだろうと思える知識をどうにか身につけることはできた。そうして子どもたちの前に立つようになって3年が経つ。
Now that I have met Minamata, I can’t do nothing about it, can I? If Tajima-san stops her activities of telling people about Minamata, then there will be more and more people who will think, “Why didn’t anyone tell me?” like me. When I was moving my heart, Mr. Tajima said, “I want you to take over the activities of conveying.” It was too heavy a burden for me to immediately respond to the idea that I, who knew little about Minamata after only a month or two of encountering it, would take over the activities that Mr. Tajima had built up over the past 20 years. However, after asking myself whether I wanted to be the one who refused or the one who accepted, the answer came out, “I have no choice but to do it.” I worked hard to learn Minamata, and somehow I managed to acquire some knowledge that would have been acceptable if I had the children’s time. Three years have passed since I began to stand in front of children.
When I talk to children, I first ask them if Minamata is close to them. Many children answer, “Far away.” Then, when asked if “I am close to them, they reply, “Far.” Because they don’t know who I am. So I introduce myself. Then, the children say that I am “close” to them even though they felt “distant” a few minutes ago. After telling children about the cause of Minamata disease, the history of discrimination, and the ongoing trial, I ask them, “Do you hate Chisso(the company that caused Minamata disease), or what would you do if you had something made by Chisso?” Children answer “Throw it away.” However, children look aghast when I tell them what kind of products are made with Chisso’s products.
Realizing that “Minamata disease” and “Minamata,” which they thought were “distant” and “irrelevant,” are deeply related to their life. And I think this is the moment when they begin to think of Minamata as their own affair and realize that they have encountered Minamata. Sagamihara(Kanagawa prefecture) and Minamata are far apart. But “I” and “Minamata” are close. I would like to think that children born in the 21st century and growing up in Sagamihara will feel this way, which will lead to hope for this town.
Writer Yumi Ogata
「水俣」を子どもたちに伝えるネットワーク 伝えるネット (tsutaeru.jp)
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