Network to convey “Minamata” to children
I hate myself – the year I started my activities under the name of “Network to Convey Minamata to Children,” a few months after I was allowed to talk about “Minamata” to sixth graders in Hachioji, I was asked to tell the children “why I am active” for a class on social participation, and I started recording them in a deserted staff room. I can’t like myself. I’ve always wondered how good it would be if I could be the person I liked. As a result, I gave up thinking that there was no element inside me that made me like myself. I thought that if it wasn’t inside, I had no choice but to seek it outside. When I looked around, I saw that there were people everywhere that I liked, and I was convinced by their behavior and the way they participated in society. If I get close to such people, I may be able to play “the person I want to be” just by behaving beyond the boundaries of myself that I dislike.
I met the people of Minamata as I was trying to rebuild my life and live by looking to the outside or society for what people live for. Specifically, it was through the group purchase of Amanatsu(variety of orange), but I think the encounter was inevitable. I thought that this society at this time nurtured me as a warped self-hater, and because I was not related to Minamata by blood, I sympathized with the pain of being destroyed of myself. For those who actually suffer from Minamata disease, this may be a very irreverent thought. And, the more the people of Minamata learned about the facts, the more I felt more moved and hopeful than painful. Why are tears spilling out in front of Tomoko’s father-daughter photos? I suspected it was sympathy for misery, but no. When I realized that I could hear Tomoko’s voice saying, “I love you dad” in the photo, I was happy to be human like them. I wanted to affirm myself. I felt that I, who hated myself, was freed and the meaning of life expanded, that people can live so warmly. With this affirmation of humanity, it is possible to rise from even the most difficult things to live with. We can encourage each other. As adults who are complicit in such a society, I think this is what I can convey to the children living today.
I have nothing to do with Minamata, but what the people of Minamata gave me is mine, so I tell it to the children. I purposely put “Minamata” in parentheses because it is the “Minamata” of my “party” that is me. I don’t call it a giving class because it’s “telling” rather than teaching. My school activities. Sometimes I am attacked by an irresistible self-loathing that returns to my self-hatred and stands in front of the children in spite of the suffering of the people involved. At that time, I remember Eiko Sugimoto (victims of Minamata disease) clapping me on the shoulder, saying, “If you feel that way, you can talk, you’re Eiko Sugimoto in Tokyo.” It has been more than 20 years since we started visiting schools. I believe that children are the guides of learning and the healers of self-hatred.
Writer Izumi Tajima
ライター/田嶋 いづみ
「水俣」を子どもたちに伝えるネットワーク 伝えるネット (tsutaeru.jp)
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