ミナマタ インパクトツアー vol.1 に参加して
ミナマタ インパクトツアー vol.1 に参加して
Please tell us how you felt on the Minamata Impact Tour vol. 1.
岸本華果 Haruka Hishimoto
This was my third visit to Minamata, and I was glad to learn about Minamata from multiple perspectives by being guided by various people. I learned for the first time that the stance of Chisso and Minamata City may not have changed much since then.Thank you very much for your help over the two days!
松田和道 Kazumichi Matsuda
SUP初体験。最初から楽しめるマリンスポーツ。天気が良く、波も穏やかでコンディションも良かったのでサイコーでした。 海に入ること自体が久しぶりだったので、それだけでもきっかけがもらえて良かったです。久しぶりの水俣でした。一見の景色は昔と変わらない印象だけど、中身、暮らしはやっぱり変化していっているのかな?楽しい時間をありがとう!
This was my first experience with SUP. Enjoyable marine sport from the very beginning. The weather was great, the waves were calm and the conditions were great, so it was awesome. It had been a long time since I had been in the ocean, so I was glad to have the opportunity to do so. It had been a long time since I had been to Minamata. At first glance, the scenery looks the same as it did in the past, but I wonder if the inside, the way of life, has changed as well. Thank you for a pleasant time.
細越雄太 Yuta Hosogoe
I have had opportunities to learn about Minamata in the past, but every time I came here, I made new discoveries. I thought it would be better if Chisso Corporation could think about how it should be as a company to society, and if citizens could have a chance to think about it. Minamata is a fun place for me. I am glad that I was able to come here again.
太田洋行 Hiroyuki Ota
水俣への想い(中学・高校の公害論のゼミから)と地域の人と出会える体験ができるツアーに参加させていただき、Minamata Impactに関わる皆様に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。国連人権理事会が持続可能な環境の権利を「人権」」と決議しているように、かけがえのない水俣で(地域で)、苦悩していた人がいた(いる)ことも重要な視点です。杉本さんのご両親をはじめ、回りに向けられた人への偏見は経験した人や長年近くで水俣病に寄り添った人氏か理解できないものかもしれません。そういった意味で、直接お話をうかがい、心を打たれました。
I am very grateful to everyone involved in Minamata Impact for the opportunity to participate in this tour, which allowed me to share my feelings about Minamata (from my junior and senior high school pollution theory seminars) and the experience of meeting people from the region. As the UN Human Rights Council has resolved that the right to a sustainable environment is a “human right,” it is also an important perspective that there were (are) people who were suffering in Minamata (in the region), which is irreplaceable. The prejudice against Mr. Sugimoto’s parents and others around him may be something that only those who have experienced or have been close to Minamata Disease for many years can understand. In this sense, I was deeply moved by his direct talk.
水や大気や土壌などの地球環境が命の源と思いますが、私は水資源、水環境、水循環に新ためて、関心を持ちました。話は、ずれるかも知れませんが、戦争体験者も、戦後78年を経て、実体験を聞く機会が減ってまいりました。戦後の経済発展(高度経済成長)で走った過去を今後後世に教訓に伝えていければと思います。 何より、今回、水俣の自然環境のすばらしさを、また海での体験を実際に来て、体験できて、新しい発見ができてよかったです。
I believe that the global environment, including water, air, and soil, is the source of life, and I have a renewed interest in water resources, the water environment, and the water cycle. This may be off topic, but 78 years have passed since the end of the war, and opportunities to hear about the actual experiences of those who experienced the war are dwindling. I hope to pass on the lessons of the past, which was driven by postwar economic development (high economic growth), to future generations. Above all, I am glad that I was able to come and actually experience the wonder of Minamata’s natural environment and the sea, and to make new discoveries this time.
I have heard that some educational programs for middle and high school students are conducted in schools, but pollution education for adults in the field of social education was common in the Showa era, but has been decreasing recently, so thank you very much for holding this program (tour).
太田友子 Tomoko Ota
I would like to thank all the staff for giving me this opportunity. This was my first visit to Minamata when I first came to Kumamoto. I was impressed by the question “What is modernization?” posed by a local fisherman in his talk. Actually entering the sea in Minamata and seeing the lecture on the beautiful reclaimed lawn made me feel glad that the sea has come back to life.
When I think of the people suffering from Minamata disease in a land so rich in agricultural products and so paradisiacal, I wish to return to the pre-modern sound. As my work brings me into contact with high school students, I am determined to share my experiences with the Minamata Impact. 2 days walking around the city, especially visiting places related to Minamata disease during the optional tours, gave me mixed feelings, knowing that one can be both a perpetrator and a victim of the disease. All the events (including lunch (bento) and social events) were rare and I am glad I participated. It was very helpful that they transported us all by car. Thank you very much for talking about Minamata disease in detail. I would like to tell about this to others.
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