A variety of roses are in bloom
(by Minamata Impact)
The Eco Park is a park for citizens to relax and enjoy, but at the same time, it is a place where mercury-contaminated soil and fish lie buried under the soil. We will always remember to pray for the lives that were sacrificed in Minamata disease. The roses in full bloom at the entrance of the Eco Park seem to be a memorial to the victims of Minamata disease and to watch over them.
(by Minamata Impact)
The following is an excerpt from “Minamata Dodo” planned and supervised by Minamata City.
紀元前十二世紀ごろにはすでに古代ペルシャで栽培されていたといわれ、日本の文献では万葉集 の防人歌にすでに登場しているこの花。まさに人類の歴史とともにある、美の象徴だ。エコパークのバラ園は「ハートリンク水俣」代表の前田が開設したもので、年々新たなアイデアを加えながら華やぎを進化させている。その演出も多彩だ。たとえば、ヨーロッパの庭園を思わせる「バラの池」、長く連なる「つるバラの壁」、大きな祝福を受けるかのような「つるバラのアーチ」、ゆっくり花と語り合う「バラの休憩所」などなど。
The Rose Garden is located at the entrance of Eco Park Minamata. The collection features 350 types of old roses, and a total of 6,500 beautiful roses of 750 types. New ideas implemented annually help to make the Rose Garden more and more beautiful. The roses are presented in a variety of ways, including the “Rose Pond,” which evokes European gardens, a “Rose Vine Wall” consisting of long overlapping rose vines, a large celebratory “Rose Vine Arch,” and a “Rose Lounge” where visitors can relax as they take in the flowers.
The “rose professional” who maintains all of the roses in the Eco Park explains, “Roses are endlessly fascinating. They convey different things every morning and night.” He examines all the roses daily. His hands are covered with cuts from the thorns. He says, however, “I’ve never felt it was painful at all.”
The best time to see the spring roses is from early to late May, and fall roses from mid-October to late November. During these times, the profusion of roses gives the Yatsushiro Sea a run for its money.
Tel 0966-62-7501
Eco Park Minamata Administration Office
Shiomi-cho 1-231-12, Minamata, Kumamoto
Tel 0966-62-7501
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