On weekends and evenings in the eco park, lovers hold hands, elderly couples take leisurely walks. People walk their dogs, go for runs, or spend leisurely time hanging on to fishing lines. Behind the playground, children play soccer, and people in company circles play tennis. In early summer, roses bloom around the garden, and oyster huts appear from autumn to winter.
From the waterfront, which is calm like a mirror and has a gentle surface without waves, you can see Koiji Island, Goshoura and Shishijima in the Amakusa Islands, and Amakusa Honjima in front of you.
Parks and eco-parks are places of recreation and relaxation for the citizens. They are also known as sacred places for lovers. The inland sea surrounded by the Amakusa Islands and the Kyushu main island is a calm sea where the waves are gentle even on rough days. The octopus and other sea creatures live in abundance and give life to humans.
However, in modern times, Chisso and other factories have lined the coast. Half a century ago this became the most polluted coast in Japan. Polluted with mercury. Poisoned fish float on the surface of the water. The cats that ate the fish died crazy, and people also suffered from Minamata disease. There is more than 4 meters of deposited sludge. The human beings who polluted the life-rich sea were buried by their own poison. Now it has become an eco park.
It was a sea covered with humans’ venomous sludge, but there was still life there. There were fish and octopus. So the fishermen and the people who lived there felt that their hearts were broken and their breath was suffocated when their natural ridges were broken and reclaimed.
Under the reclaimed land, thousands of barrels were buried, along with mercury- contaminated mud. The drums were filled with “poisonous” and “contaminant” fish that had consumed poison in the sea, which was polluted by humans. At that time, fishermen who were no longer able to fish in the polluted seas were asked by the government to catch contaminated fish to fill the drums. It was a source of income. For the fishermen who knew that our life is supported by those sea creatures, there was no sadder job.
Therefore, some fishermen say that the eco park is not a bright place but a “graveyard for fish killed by humans.” Some fisherman said that they felt the fish were suffering, and the sin of humans caused their bodies to convulse just by approaching the eco-park.
Therefore, there is still a memorial service called “Festival of Fire” at the Eco Park, which is a memorial service for all the lives that were lost to Minamata disease. In the middle of the waterfront seawall where the eco park faces the sea, there is a memorial monument for those victims of Minamata disease. We apologize for our sins of and pray for this ecopark.
For me, now living with a baby in Minamata, the Eco Park is an important place to relax, take a walk, feel the breeze of the sea, bathe in the sun and relax on the quiet surface of the water. But even when healed naturally, I will never forget the prayer for its history, the prayer for what sleeps there, and my thanks. But, to be honest, I feel my sin that I often forget even when I feel “don’t forget.” However, I feel that Minamata’s nature is gentle enough to wash it away. We receive life from the sea and from the mountains.
The eco-park, a place for people to relax, will soon reach its end point of 50 years from the start of its landfill construction. Whether it is safe as it is, and what to do with the mercury that sleeps beneath it, the fact that when a large earthquake comes to this Shiranui Sea, the landfill will crack and mercury will appear again on the surface is a reality. It is a that problem Minamata is facing.
・熊本県水俣市汐見町1丁目231−12(Google MAP)駐車場あり
・さくらバス 市街地循環線「エコパーク道のみなまた」下車
Address: 1-231-12 shiomitown, Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture
Access: Get off the sakurabus “Eco park michinoeki minamata”
Writer Akiko Ishihara
Born in Tokyo. While raising a one-year-old child in Minamata, working as a teacher at Kumamoto University.
Opening Up the Future from Conflict and Conflict, specializing in conflict resolution studies.
Researching focuses on the conflicts and rebirths of the people of Minamata and Fukushima,
and the implications for the future that can be drawn from them.
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