A Place that reminds us of our interest and appreciation
From the moment you have curiosity, the world changes.
I think we all have them, but there are so many wonderful places that we wouldn’t notice if we didn’t have curiosity toward them because we’re so used to them being in the area where we were born and raised that we’ve died. No matter how beautiful a place it is.
“Hiyasuji reisen”, water source spots, is such a place. Most people think of water sources as being located deep in the mountains, but this place is located in the center of Minamata. However, this place is located about 10 minutes’ drive south of the center of Minamata and about a minute’s drive from the national highway in Fukuro District.
At such an unexpected location, there is a water source with a capacity of 3,000 tons of water per day, although it exists quietly.
(I was 35 years old when I visited this place for the first time, which means that for 35 years I didn’t know about this place as I passed by on the national highway.)
“Hiyasuji reisen” spreads out and is quiet as I pass through a mountain path lined with trees. It is a space like something out of a Ghibli movie.
When I arrive at the pond, I want to close my eyes and take a deep breath.
“Woohoo!” I let the air out, and let the negative ions soak into my empty body through my nose and mouth.
Then, I slowly open my eyes, look at the pond and the towering trees that make me feel life, and zip away. At that moment, time begins to fade away.
It’s time to be a part of nature and not to think about anything else.
I think it’s the best luxury in this day and age of stress and information overload.
Once I’ve calmed down, the next step is to enjoy a walk.
Walking along the embankment of the pond, I can see the creatures that live in the water. The surface of the water changes its expression with the wind, light, and trees. There are waterholes for butterflies that never dry up, even when the sun is shining. I can see the light leaking through the gaps in the trees. There is a stone shrine that stands beside the spring. A river is being born from somewhere. I take in the soft, palatable water and let it fill my body. And finally, I take one last deep breath.
Honestly, I don’t think it’s a special place to come all the way down here for hours on end. Because this kind of place is all around, and it’s just as common as any other.
However, I would like people of today who are only interested in the outside world, instead of paying attention and appreciating the places that exist in this “natural” way, to come here.
I am sure that the reflection of you and nature in the mirror of the water will quietly teach you the importance of curiosity and appreciation.
・熊本県水俣市袋(Google MAP)駐車場なし
・コメリハード&グリーン袋店 裏付近
Address: Fukuro, Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture
Access: Behind the Komeri Hard & Green store
Writer Michiki Kitazono
ライター/北園 道樹
Born in Minamata. Facilitator. Works at a special nursing home.
Talkative and nosy person who does not seem to have been a judo player from elementary to high school.
Currently inquiring about human understanding through daily life.
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