(by Minamata Impact)
Many people have heard of Tokutomi Soho, but few know what he really did. That was the case for me until I visited this “Soho Memorial Hall”.
But then I was struck by lightning. There was such an intellectual in Japan who had faced “democracy” head-on. And I was truly proud of the fact that he was from Minamata.
(by Minamata Impact)
The following is an excerpt from “Minamata Dodo” planned and supervised by Minamata City.
Near the mouth of the Minamata River is an interesting building. The building, made of reinforced concrete in the early 20th century, houses the historically significant Minamata Soho Memorial Museum.
Soho Tokutomi, who founded the Min’yusha publishing company and published Kokumin no Tomo (The People’s Friend), as well as the daily newspaper Kokumin Shimbun, was an influential figure in the field of journalism. He was also, however, a formidable historian and literary figure, who spent the last 30 years of his life writing and publishing the epic, 100-volume series Kinsei Nippon Kokumin Shi (Modern History of the Japanese). He was born in Minamata, and lived there until he was seven years old before moving to Kumamoto. Memories of his first seven years in Minamata were etched deeply into his psyche, however, and whenever anyone from Minamata visited him at the Kokumin Shimbun office, he is said to have made time for them, no matter how busy he was.
In 1929, on the 17th anniversary of his father’s death, Soho founded the Gisui Library, which boasted a rich collection of books, and named it after his pen name, Gisui. This was renovated and renamed the Soho Memorial Museum in 1983. Inside, the museum is very quiet. There are few items on exhibition, and the exhibits do not seem to be very well planned out. And yet there is a strangely intense atmosphere inside of this museum–perhaps something to do with the spirit of the modern journalist.
熊本県水俣市陣内1-1-1(Google MAP) 駐車場あり
Tel 0966-63-0380
入館料 無料
休館日 毎週月曜日(祝祭日の場合は、翌日),年末年始(12月28日~1月4日),臨時休館有
Minamata Soho Memorial Museum
Jinnai 1-1-1, Minamata, Kumamoto Parking Available
Tel 0966-63-0380
Observation (free of charge)
Open 9:00am-4:30pm
Closed: Mondays (if Monday is a national holiday, the following day will be closed.
Year-end and New Year’s holidays (Dec.28 – Jan.4)
Additional closures possible.
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