
(by Minamata Impact)

Believe it or not, Minamata has a rule that for the sake of the environment, garbage should be disposed of in 23 separate gates. Citizens do this as a matter of course. Why are they able to do such a thing? Because it is the will of Minamata citizens toward the future.
(by Minamata Impact)

The following is an excerpt from “Minamata Dodo” planned and supervised by Minamata City.



 Minamata gained global notoriety as a city whose ocean, polluted by organic mercury, gave rise to Minamata disease. The city began its reconstruction process, with the aim of becoming a “model environmental city” in 1992, to broadcast their experiences as widely as possible and help ensure that such an incident would not happen again. They would start small—for example, by separating trash more rigorously, which they started doing in 1993.

The intention of the city is to raise awareness in each and every individual about the importance of environmental reconstruction and protection. As a city that has had to confront a pollution-related disease, they see it as their responsibility to do so.


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