映画MINAMATA感想 Vol.1
OsamuMatsuda /Living in Tsunagi, Kumamoto Prefecture (a town next to Minamata)
Today, I had some free time in the morning, so I went to see the movie “MINAMATA”. I had already seen the movie once at the preview for the staff of the Minamata City screening last month, but I was too busy just grasping the content, so I watched it again thoroughly at the theater. After the film’s nationwide release, I wanted to see it again based on the opinions on social networking sites, both for and against the film. And the second time, I felt something that touched my heart.
As someone who basically lives locally.
・The lead actor is Johnny Depp.
・The rest of the cast was played by top Japanese actors, including Hiroyuki Sanada.
・Music by Ryuichi Sakamoto (←I personally think this is the most moe point)
・Minamata disease is expressed in this lineup
This fact alone isI consider the film miraculous enough.Of course, there are some people who may think, “Why are you making something extravagant about Minamata disease after all these years?” I hope that this film will convey the message that the Minamata disease problem has not ended, including those who think so. I wish that this film will help people to think about the fact that this problem has spread to the whole of society.And for ourselves, we hoped it would be an opportunity to face this issue without running away from it.
Shinobu Sakamoto/ Congenial Minamata disease patient
People living in Minamata,
I want you to live with dignity.
Young people,
please watch this film and
I want you to help
to make the world a better place.
It’s not just about Minamata issue.
Paul Kuroda/ freelance photographer living in U.S.A
ポール クロダ/アメリカ在住フリーカメラマン
“I saw Minamata it in Minamata and it’s a fitting tribute to the driving heart of W. Eugene Smith and compassion of Aileen Smith. I had the honor to spend weeks with the brave methyl mercury poisoned victims and tireless dedication to many who support them. After touring the large cities in the country, I sincerely found Minamata the gem of Japan and it will be forever in my heart.”
大澤菜穂子 /映画MINAMATA水俣上映スタッフ
Nahoko Osawa /Screening Staff of the Movie MINAMATA in Minamata
The film “MINAMATA” is based on the photo book “MINAMATA” published in 1975 by photographers Eugene Smith and Irene Mioko Smith, who made Minamata disease known to the world. The film depicts the intense days they spent in Minamata for three years starting in 1971.When I first heard about the movie, starring Johnny Depp and Hiroyuki Sanada as a Minamata disease patient, it was hard for me to believe. It was hard to believe, but if this was real, wow! My heart trembled. And it was two years ago that I found out that it was really going to be made into a movie.
The movie “MINAMATA” was screened here in Minamata the other day, prior to the nationwide screening. Sixteen Minamata citizens, including myself, organized a working committee and held a screening of this film with 36 volunteers. Both the morning and afternoon screenings were fully booked. An elderly supporter who came to see the film marveled that it was an ” incident” that so many people had gathered in Minamata to see a film about Minamata disease. Minamata is a town where victims and perpetrators of Minamata disease live together. There are those who work for the companies that cause the disease and are themselves Minamata disease patients, and those who have Minamata disease patients in their families. There are those who work for the companies that caused the disease and are themselves Minamata disease patients, or themselves have Minamata disease patients in their families. There are complex feelings among citizens with various circumstances. Minamata disease is still present as a “gap” even 65 years after its official confirmation.
It’s a gap that we don’t feel in our daily lives, but I tripped over it many times during the preparation for this screening. We were able to get support from Kumamoto Prefecture for the film screening. However, not from Minamata City. This is also the state of Minamata City today. We, the working committee members, made a comment saying, “We genuinely hope that people who have kept their distance from Minamata disease will also see the film.” Some of the younger members of the committee joined us, saying that they wanted to make Minamata disease a topic of dialogue, rather than a topic that still should not be touched. On the day of the screening, many people, from children to the elderly, came to see the film. There was even an acquaintance of mine who works for a cause company. After the screening, I received a message from him. It began with the words, “Thank you for showing the film in Minamata,” and it said, as an employee of the company that caused the disease, he honestly could not find words to properly express what he felt. He also wrote that Minamata disease was one of the past events for him, but the film made him realize that it remains as a suffering and will always for the patients. He concluded his message by saying that he would have to work harder.
“MINAMATA” is a film that I want the people of Minamata, all of Japan, and the world to see. Through this film, I want people to know about Minamata. And when the world is changed and redeemed by the accumulation of “my own Minamata” of the people who encountered Minamata, I believe that many souls will finally be able to rest in peace. There are still things I can do, I still have to do my best. After the film screening, I once again felt that I wanted to live in a world where the people who have suffered the most are the most rewarded. The photo on the left is a t-shirt which the film distribution company made for the screening staff in Minamata. The shirt is bright blue like the sea in Minamata, and has the English text by Eugene Smith saying, “In dedicated to those who do not take the past as proof against the future.” The film screening in Minamata seemed like a time to fill in the invisible gaps between the citizens of Minamata with an invisible shovel. It was not easy, but worthwhile.
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