水俣への旅/前田 雅彦

Trip to Minamata.


I first visited Minamata four years ago (2019) in the spring. It was just the time of year when flowers started blooming and smelling the plants and trees. It was a visit to KARAIMO Books[1], an antiquarian bookstore in Kyoto, that led me to learn about present-day Minamata. Several years later, through the introduction of a friend who used to live in Minamata, Mr. and Mrs. K, a SOSHISHA staff of the Minamata Disease Center, showed me around the town of Minamata. The morning after my arrival, I remember that Mr. K’s partner, Ms. M, told me about the history of Minamata while overlooking the Shiranui Sea in a park next to the ORANGEKAN on a hill in the Fukuro area, which was heavily affected by Minamata disease. It was strange that I felt I could see the future of this land in my mind’s eye, even though I knew nothing about Minamata yet. Among them was Mr. M, and there were also younger people.


Then, in May, I attended the annual Niigata Minamata Disease memorial meeting held in Aga, Niigata, and decided to spend the summer at SOSHISHA learning about Minamata disease. I decided to stay at SOSHISHA because I realized that thinking about Minamata disease is not only a matter between a particular victim and perpetrator, but also about human life and death. After two months at SOSHISHA, I began to think about moving to Minamata to spend more time in the city and be with the people of Minamata. I think this was because I was attracted not only to learn about Minamata as knowledge, but also to the people living in this region as well as their experience of Minamata disease.


Many of the people I first met in Minamata were Minamata disease patients, but they were more like SOSHISHA staff, their families, and former SOSHISHA staff who still live close to the patients, sometimes called “supporters”. While going about their busy daily lives, each of these people were trying to savor the possibilities of each element in their lives, whether it be going to a farm, eating with someone, or looking at a slightly different landscape each day. It was as if light was flooding into the ordinary details of their lives. I am sure that the Minamata disease experience has something to do with it, and I would like to learn more about the relationship between the two.


There is Dr. Masazumi Harada, who always took the patient’s point of view and continued to work on the issue of Minamata disease. He wrote a book titled “The World Minamata Reflects”. For some reason, being in Minamata is like a mirror that reminds me of my own family and the various relationships I had before coming to Minamata, and I find myself thinking about them. While I am still learning about Minamata, I continue to confront my own background before coming to Minamata. I wanted to stay close to the people I met in Minamata and be a part of the “Minamata” that was formed around the event of Minamata disease, and I am still on that journey today.

[1] 2023年11月、水俣市の旧石牟礼道子さん宅へ移転し開業。In November 2023, moved to the former home of Michiko Ishimure in Minamata City and opened a used bookstore.

Written on December 25, 2023

Writer Masahiko Maeta

1983年、鳥取県出身。水俣への行き来と居候の数年を経て、現在は熊本県内の高校で働きながら、ライターとして文章を執筆する。共著に『レジリエンス よみがえる力』(2023年、日本評論社)。

Born and raised in Tottori. After several years of coming and going and staying in Minamata, now works at a high school in Kumamoto and writes as a writer. Co-author of “Resilience: Reviving Power” (2023, Nihon Hyoronsha, Inc.).


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