It was through Ishimure Michiko’s Kugai jōdo (Paradise in the Sea of Sorrow), a literary work which depicted the sufferings and lives of the victims of Minamata disease, that I first encountered Minamata. What especially captured my heart was the kikigaki – the recorded oral testimonies – because the dialect sounded surprisingly familiar to me. My father was born and raised in Kumamoto, and I often visited my grandparents there as a child. I would hear the adults speaking in the Kumamoto dialect, even though I didn’t fully understand it at the time. The rhythms and tones were deeply embedded in my memory, and seeing them expressed in the written words of Kugai jōdo felt like rediscovering a forgotten part of my childhood. It was as though I found a hometown I had never known.
A few years later, I properly visited Minamata with some professors and colleagues. The main purpose of the trip was an online event broadcast from Minamata, organized by the university’s philosophy research center where I work as a research fellow. Before the event, Nagano Michi-san from Sōshisha kindly guided us to several significant locations, including Modō, Yudō, Otome-zuka, the main gate of the Chisso factory, the Hyakken drainage canal, and the reclaimed land of Minamata Bay (Eco Park Minamata). One of my most vivid memories during the trip, however, occurred earlier, when we were soaking in the hot springs at Yunotsuru and started talking with a local man. He asked us where we were from, and when we replied “Tokyo,” he said, “So, you’re here because of Minamata disease” with an untroubled smile. It was an undeniable truth, and I felt a deep sense of shame. “Minamata disease” is what connects Tokyo to Minamata, but it is also what creates a distance between them. Where do I stand and why am I trying to approach Minamata? These questions have lingered in my heart ever since that encounter.
その後私は、たまたま友人が企画していた「水俣スタディツアー」に参加し、2回目からはその企画・運営側にまわることになった。これはGlobal Shapers Community Fukuoka(GSC福岡)という団体のメンバーが企画したもので、水俣病の歴史や現在に続く問題、地域での取り組みなどを現地で学ぶことを目的としている。私が『苦海浄土』を論文で取り上げたりして水俣に関心を寄せていることを知って、友人が声をかけてくれたのである。そのような次第でいつのまにか、私は半年に一度ほど水俣を訪れるようになっていた。
Lately, I have been visiting Minamata two or three times a year, mainly because I joined a team that organizes study tours there, offering younger generations opportunities to learn about environmental issues, human rights, and social justice. The team was originally formed by members of the Global Shapers Community Fukuoka. An old friend of mine, who was a member of the group, invited me to join the first tour because he knew of my interest in Minamata. Since the second tour, I’ve been involved in the organizing side.
I have gradually become more knowledgeable about Minamata and Minamata disease through my visits and by studying its history and ongoing issues. This has broadened my perspective on various societal issues and the ways people think. More than anything, when I come to Minamata, I feel as if I’m reconnecting with myself and I’m able to truly reflect and think for myself.
Last March, some of the members involved in organizing the tours, including me, decided to visit Minamata – not as organizers, but simply for fun. I decided to go a day earlier because I wanted more time to stay and do some research.
The day after I did some document research at Sōshisha, I took a walk along the dike of Umawari-no-tomo before meeting up with the others. The location is portrayed in Ishimure Michiko’s Tsubaki no Umi no Ki (Story of the Sea of Camellias) as a fantastical place where little Mitchin, a character modeled after Ishimure as a child, attempts to transform into a fox cub. Morita Tomomi-san, a photographer I had met the previous night, recommended that I visit this spot.
Here is the scene in Tsubaki no Umi no Ki:
In the afternoon, these grasses sparkled in rich, golden-brown tones. Their continuous growth was interrupted here and there by thickets of oleasters, whose tiny, vermilion fruits gleamed like pearls. At their roots bloomed an extravagance of blue spirea and chrysanthemum, which glowed in the deepening sunset with such incomparable beauty that the whole dike, already saturated with the radiance of autumn seemed to have turned into a horizontal, trembling rainbow, which grew paler at one end until it merged into the sea. In that magical instant it wasn’t difficult, it seemed to me, to become a white fox’s cub: all I had to do was bend my hands inwards in imitation of the latter’s forepaws and cry “kon, kon” and the metamorphosis would occur. I tilted my head and listened intently: the rustle of the waving eulalias mingled in infinitely sweet, cool harmony with the lap of the gentle waves of the sea breaking against the dike. Kon, kon, kon… I cried again and squatted down among the gold-tinted wild chrysanthemums, which gave off a pleasant scent. I had often heard marvelous stories from the old women in town about foxes’ weddings, when splendid processions passed at night on the dike, illuminating their way with lanterns. Plucking some flowers, I tore off their petals and sprinkled them over my head. Just like the cubs accompanying the wedding procession. Have I truly become one of them or not? Am I successfully pretending to be a human child? (translation by Livia Monnet, except the last two sentences by me)
Mitchin’s “transformation” may appear to be an innocent play, but at the same time, it seems to reflect young Mitchin’s sense of transience.
Through Mitchin’s eyes, the novel portrays the sorrow and suffering of various people, including a girl sold from Amakusa into prostitution, cruelly stigmatized and eventually stabbed to death by a teenage boy, and Mitchin’s grandmother, O-moka-sama, who lost her sight and sanity, wandering aimlessly through the streets.
O-moka-sama is Mitchin’s grandfather’s legal wife, while O-kiya is his concubine. The adults around Mitchin would say, “O-kiya-sama must have been some kind of beast in her previous life. And she’ll be reborn as an animal again, that’s for sure. No one who had a human face in another life could have inflicted so much pain on O-Moka-sama as she.” Hearing this, Mitchin would wonder, “Whose reincarnation am I?” and “How do I know that the life I am now living isn’t in fact someone else’s former existence, someone as yet unborn? Or maybe I am the reincarnation of someone who passed away and bequeathed me his soul…” Her transformation into a fox cub and then back into a human child seems like an innocent yet poignant attempt to make sense of life’s transience, imagining her current human form as something merely temporary.
Walking along the dike of Umawari-no-tomo was a strange experience. The dike was completely covered in concrete, but its gentle curve still hinted at its former shape. The sea, which must have once been close, was now far off, beyond a field of solar panels. On the land side, which had been a salt field perhaps before Mitchin was born, silver grasses swayed around small pools of water, and cacti, half-dried, leaned against the concrete.
I saw the town far away, and a lonesome wind blew. It felt as though the dreams of foxes and Mitchin were still slumbering beneath the concrete. It was a strange thought. The gap between past and present seemed bridged by Tubaki no Umi no Ki, yet that bridge was not a literal reality but a fictional one, for the novel itself is a work of fiction. Moreover, Mitchin gazes at the world through the eyes of a fox, and her transformation is further guided by the tales of the old women. Reality, memory, imagination, and creation intertwined in many layers as I walked along the dike of Umawari-no-tomo.
What is the true Minamata? – I cannot help but ask this question, being an outsider and having entered this place through Kugai jōdo and the history of Minamata disease incident. But perhaps no one holds the answer. If anything, that answer might reside in the dreams of the people, gently cradled by the wind and waves of Minamata. What is the true Minamata? If anyone were to ask the waves and wind, each person would hear a different answer. Perhaps what I truly seek is to share these dreams with others who come to Minamata.
Writer Akihiko Miyata (researcher in philosophy)
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