A place for relaxation that is loved by local residents
ここは、水俣の中心地から車で10分ほど南下したところにある月浦地区。この地域にある小高い丘の上に、地域住民に愛される場所がある。 それが「月浦ふれあい公園」だ。
よく整備されており、公園から見渡す美しい景色と、吹き抜ける風は何とも心地良い。 大きなアスレチックがあるわけでもなく、至ってシンプルな公園だが、このシンプルさの中に、私は日本のどこよりも…いや、もしかしたら世界のどこよりも早くから“サステナブルな社会” を作ろうとしてきた水俣の「足るを知る」という精神を感じる。
This area is called Tsukinoura. It is located about 10 minutes south of the center ofMinamata City by car. On a small hill in this area there is a place that is loved by local residents. That is Tsukinoura Fureai Park.
It is well maintained. The views from the park are beautiful when the breeze blows through.
It is not an especially athletic park; it is a very simple place.
But, in this simplicity, I feel Minamata’s spirit of “knowing enough.” It is one of the most “Sustainable Cities.”
Where new values are born
2014年に、私はある一つの夢を叶えるためにキャリアチェンジすべく、生まれ育った熊本市から離れ、水俣市へ移住した。 チャレンジしたからと言って、つかめるかどうかは分からない。
In 2014, I moved to Minamata City, away from Kumamoto City, where I was born and raised, to make a career change to fulfill a dream. I never know if I’ll catch it just because I try.
Despite my firm determination, I couldn’t shake off my anxiety, and at times I felt as if I was going to be overwhelmed.
At those times, what healed me was the view of this park.
At dusk, as I walk my dog, the sunset over the opposite bank is beautiful. It shows me a different look every day. The pillar of light from the sun, visible from the gap between the clouds, encouraged me. It made me feel that it was “all right.”
Previously, I relied on alcohol and tobacco when I wanted a distraction. But the park told me that I didn’t need that. When I moved here, I thought this was an inconvenient place, but now I think that the slight inconvenience may actually be just right for human life. This park is an important place in helping me develop these new values.
熊本県水俣市月浦195-2(Google MAP)駐車場あり(無料。収容台数30台程度)
公共交通機関は、みなくるバス 茂道・湯の鶴(頭石・招川内)線「おれんじ館」で下車。
Address: 195-2 Tsukinoura, Minamata, Kumamoto — Parking available
Access: By public transportation, at the Minakuru Bus Modou/Yunotsuru (kagumeishi/manba) Line get off at “Orange-kan” .
Writer Kaori Nagai
株式会社Mr.Orange HP:http://www.mr-orange.net/
Moved to Minamata City in 2014 to make a career change from accounting to product development.
While working in family’s citrus farm, developed the granulated food “Mizutamago” (patented).
Mr. Orange Corporation HP: http://www.mr-orange.net/
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