A place embraced by the forest and the sea
あっちの世界に足をふみ入れると、ヒノキ、 シイ、クス、ヘゴ、など無数の樹々が静かに迎えてくれる。本当のところ私は迎え入れられているのかわからない。が、樹々たちの深い懐に「どうぞ」と入らせてもらえるような気がする。その懐は温かく心地よくそして懐かしい。歩を進めると、その道は深い森から海へと続く。静寂な森と穏やかなきらきらした海。目だけの美しさだけじゃない、大きな試練を経た海。恋人同士のように、森と海が並んでいる。2つの宝物を同時に見つけたような嬉しさがこみ上げる。
Going south from Minamata City and driving for about 3 minutes along the coast from Route 3, I find “Green Sports Minamata.” I Park my car in the parking lot and cross the entrance next to the old sign. There is only one chain at the entrance. This chain is the border between this world and that world (I think). I like that world.
As I step into that world, cypress, beech, camphor, fern and countless other types of trees quietly greet me. The truth is, I don’t know if I’m welcomed. However, I feel like I can get into the deep pockets of the trees and be told, “Come.” Its bosom is warm, comfortable, and nostalgic. As I walk, the path goes from deep forest to the sea. Quiet forest and calm sparkling sea. It’s not only a beauty that you see with your eyes. It’s a sea that results from the significant lessons learned from Minamata disease. The forest and the sea are lined up like lovers. I feel the joy of finding two treasures at the same time.
Green Sports Minamata is located in the southernmost village of Minamata, called “Modo.” Facing the Shiranui Sea, the inhabitants have lived mainly in fishing. There were no fields, but the bountiful sea was enough to make life abundant. Until the outbreak of Minamata disease. This area had the highest number of certified Minamata disease patients in Minamata City. A fishing village where many people suffered both physically and mentally. How did the Green Sports Minamata Forest, surrounded by the sea, experience the tragedy in the ocean created by modern human nature?
Ten years ago, when I returned to Minamata, I thought it would be nice to have a small cafe and a place to stay here. But now I want to keep this peaceful sea and this large forest where birds sing and many insects and creatures live.
I sit in front of big trees that have been standing here for hundreds of years and overlook the sea, and i drink organic tea grown by local friends. My favorite time in the Minamata forest and the sea.
熊本県水俣市袋西の浦2884(Google MAP)駐車場あり
問い合わせ先 水俣市スポーツ振興課 tel0966-63-9311
水俣市中心街より車で約10分 最寄り駅「袋駅」から徒歩27分 バスグリーンスポーツ前下車徒歩6分
Address:2884 Fukuronishinoura, Minamata , Kumamoto
Contact: Minamata City Sports Promotion Division
Access: Approximately 10 minutes by car from the Minamata city center,
or 27 minutes on foot from the nearest station, “Fukuro Station”
or 6 minutes on foot from the bus Green Sports
Writer Nahoko Osawa
ライター/大澤 菜穂子
からたち HP: https://karatachi.shop-pro.jp/
Born and raised in Minamata. Returned to hometown in 30s to work for Karatachi,
a company that sells pesticide-free sweet summer oranges and other products.
Karatachi HP: https://karatachi.shop-pro.jp/
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