アージェ ひげのみせ
(by Minamata Impact)
Do you know the taste of the land of Minamata? Food grows up in the land, exposed to the sun, water, and wind. So the food tastes like the land where it grew up. In Minamata, there are many restaurants that cherish the taste of the local climate. This restaurant is one of the masters of such restaurants.
(by Minamata Impact)
The following is an excerpt from “Minamata Dodo” planned and supervised by Minamata City.
水俣市街地や八代湾を見渡せる中尾山中腹にあり、周囲を緑に囲まれたフランス料理店『アージェ ひげのみせ』。その名のとおり立派な髭をたくわえた二人の料理人(主人と三男)と夫人が店を仕切り、長男が工房で天然酵母のパンを焼く。東京の名店で修業したシェフの料理は、フレンチをベースにした創作料理。名産のサラたまちゃんをたっぷり使った〝みなまたハヤシ〞など、地元の食材を生かしたメニューが人気だ。「いろいろ工夫するのが好きで決まりきったものは作りたくない」とシェフ。デザート付きの日替わりランチもたっぷりボリュームで大好評。
Located on the hillside of Mt. Nakao, overlooking Minamata city and Yatsushiro Bay, and surrounded by greenery, is the French restaurant “Ager Beard”. As the name implies, two chefs (the owner and his third son) with magnificent beards and their wives run the restaurant, while the eldest son bakes natural yeast bread in the workshop. The chef, who was trained at a famous restaurant in Tokyo, prepares creative dishes based on French cuisine. His menu is popular for its use of local ingredients, such as “Minamata Hayashi,” which uses a lot of Saratama, a local specialty. The chef says, “I like to be creative and I don’t like to make things that are set in stone. The daily lunch, which includes dessert, is also very popular.
At night, you can ask the chef to put together an omakase course based on your budget and preferences. Cherry blossoms in the spring and autumn leaves in the fall. The spectacular view from the window is also a delicious spice.
(translated by Minamata Impact)
アージェ ひげのみせ
・熊本県水俣市南福寺1000-9(Google MAP) 駐車場あり
・tel 09966-62-0908
・営業時間:12:00~14:00 18:00~20:00 【夜は当日午前中まで要予約】
French restaurant Ager Beard HIGENOMISE
Nanpukuji 1000-9, Minamata, Kumamoto Parking Available
Tel 09966-62-0908
Open 12:00pm-2:00 pm/6:00pm-8:00pm [Reservation required for dinner]
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