鬼塚日照堂 Onizuka Nisshodo
Minamata Sweets Shop
水俣にお客さんが来たら、洋菓子派か和菓子派を聞く。和菓子が好きと聞いたら、このお店の「かりんとう饅頭」を必ずお土産に渡す。黒糖の香ばしい香りにカリッとした外側。中にはまろやかなこしあん。これは饅頭か、かりんとうか? その謎に向き合うまもなく、私の脳はおいしさにとろけるのだ。
(by Minamata Impact)
When visitors come to Minamata, I ask them if they prefer Western sweets or Japanese sweets. When I hear that they prefer Japanese sweets, I always give them a “Karinto Manju” from this store as a souvenir. The aroma of brown sugar and the crispy outside. The inside is filled with mild koshi-an sweet bean paste. Is this a bun(Manju) or a karinto? No sooner do I face the mystery, my brain melts into the deliciousness.
(by Minamata Impact)
The following is an excerpt from “Minamata Dodo” planned and supervised by Minamata City.
百間町の一角のお菓子店だ。創業は昭和23(1948)年、鬼塚憲幸は三代目にあたる。祖父が創業し、父が栗まんじゅうなどの和菓子専門店として確立した。3代目は高校を卒業して十数年、各地へ修業に出たあと30歳になって水俣の日昭堂に戻ってきた 。菓子職人以外の職業のことを考えたことはなかった。
It is a confectionery store in a corner of Hyakken-machi. Founded in 1948, Noriyuki Onizuka is the third generation to own the shop. It was founded by his grandfather and established by his father as a store specializing in chestnut manju and other Japanese sweets.After graduating from high school, the third generation went to various places for training for more than ten years before returning to Minamata at the age of 30. He had never considered a career other than as a confectioner.
From the time I was a child, all I could picture of myself as an adult was making sweets,” .
But when I was a kid, all my friends would write about their dreams in their graduation books, and I felt kind of small, so I lied and said, ‘I want to be a pilot when I grow up,he recalls.
和菓子名人の父すなわち二代目と、パティシエの三代目すなわち長男の初コラボレーションは、「生くりーむ大福」である。生クリームをたっぷり使い、餡と餅は薄めにして、パクッとひとくちで食べられるあっさりタイプだ。夏場の商品として開発したが、出足は悪かった。あまり売れ行きが伸びない。火をつけてくれたのは高校生の女子だった。「わあ、かわいい」と面白がって食べ、「あれ、おいしいよ! 」となり、それが母たちに伝播した。間もなく一気に広まり、15年余つづくロングセラーとなっている。
My training had always been in Western confectionery. Therefore, when I came back to Nisshodo, I touched red bean paste for the first time. It was a completely different world from Western confectionery. Red bean paste is something that requires a great deal of skill and intuition, a struggle with the moisture in the air.
The first collaboration between his father, who was a master of wagashi (Japanese sweets), and his eldest son, who is a patissier, was the “Raw Cream Daifuku”. They used a lot of fresh cream and made the bean paste and rice cake thin so that it could be eaten in a single bite. It was developed as a summer product, but it did not get off to a good start. The sales were not so good. It was a high school girl who sparked the idea. They ate them, saying, “Wow, how cute! The word spread to their mothers. Soon, the product spread rapidly and has been a long seller for more than 15 years.
I would like to continue to make sweets “with simplicity as the goal” by using many local products as ingredients, such as Minamata eco milk, tea, summer oranges, etc. I will try many ideas but without being too elaborate. This is the path the third generation will take.
(Translated by Minamata Impact)
Tel 0966-62-2611
定休日 不定期
Onizuka Nisshodo
2-1-6 Hyakken, Minamata, Kumamoto
Tel 0966-62-2611
Open: 8:00am-8:00pm
Irregular closures
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