祈りの言葉2003年/永本 賢二
水俣病患者・遺族代表 「祈りの言葉」
Minamata Disease Patient and Bereaved Family Representative’s “Words of Prayer”
私は胎児性患者の永本賢二です。 水俣病で命を奪われた魚、貝、虫、からす、猫や人々に祈りを捧げます。あまり語ることのなかった水俣病のことを、今日は少しだけ語ります。
My name is Kenji Nagamoto and I am an fetal patient of Minamata disease. I pray for the fish, shellfish, insects, crows, cats and people who lost their lives in Minamata disease. I have not talked much about Minamata disease until now, but today I will talk a little bit about it.
Fetal Minamata disease patients were already suffering from the disease in their mother’s womb, which should have been safe. From the time I was born, I was discriminated against and prejudiced as a Minamata disease patient and as a disabled person. As a baby, I was “always crying, always crying“. My mother told me. When I was 3 or 4 years old, I remember my mother and sister massaging me all over my body after taking a bath because my arms and legs hurt. My father used to work for Chisso. He protected me, who was severely disabled by Minamata disease, from the ravages of the world. now I guess he had a lot of hardships and unpleasant life. He got sick from drinking too much alcohol and died when I was in the fifth grade. That’s why I really hate looking at alcohol. It reminds me of his death and it is so painful. My father was also a fisherman. Before he passed away, he built a boat that he named “Kenji Maru” after my name.
When I was in elementary school, I did not have any friends as I attended a special class. I was lame and walked slowly, so it was hard for me to keep up with everyone. I had to be carried and dragged along by my sides. My sister was on my side. One day, when I couldn’t climb the stairs, my sister carried me on her back. Seeing us, the children around us began to yell, saying “Here comes the wobbly man!”, “It’s unsightly to carry a limp man!” I didn’t want to worry my family, so when I was having a hard time, I asked the 5-ton crane, which I could see from the porch of my house, to listen to me. However, There were some good things. I met a wonderful friend. He was a year younger than I at a nursing school. He is in a wheelchair, but drives his own car and does everything he can by himself. I learned a lot of courage and a challenging spirit from him.
I am against the war in Iraq. I talked with my friends. When I think about the Iraq War, I cry because it overlaps with my experience of suffering from Minamata disease. I am a storyteller at the Minamata Disease Museum, sharing my experiences as a Minamata disease patient, because I want to tell the truth to children. I believe that children who live for the future will change the world. Now that I have found Hot House, I am enjoying my life by working to tell people about Minamata disease and doing various other jobs.
I’ve learned to live much stronger. Father in heaven, please don’t worry. Mother, please take it a little easier. I hope you’ll live longer. To the little ones of the fetal patients who died at a young age, and to the many senior patients, your thoughts are our thoughts. We will do our best until our thoughts are realized. Please rest in peace. Please continue to watch over Minamata, where you used to love, where the mountains are lush and green, blue sea and the sky is endlessly blue.
May 1, 2005
患者・遺族代表 永本 賢二
Kenji Nagamoto,
Minamata Disease Patients and Bereaved Family Representative
Reference Minamata City Minamata Disease Museum Website
翻訳 水俣インパクト translated by minamata impact
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