(by Minamata Impact)
In Minamata, there is a road called Satsuma Kaido where samurai used to come and go. In the mid of the road, there is a small museum of “sumac candles(Japanese wax tree candle” that have been made since the samurai era (Edo period). The name of the museum is Haze No Ki Museum. At the museum, you can learn about the history of the wax tree and experience making a wax tree candle. If you want to smell the scent of the Edo period or the scent of samurai in Minamata, this is the place for you.
(by Minamata Impact)
The following is an excerpt from “Minamata Dodo” planned and supervised by Minamata City.
櫨 (はぜ)という落葉高木は、江戸時代に琉球王国から持ち込まれ日本に定着したとされる。紅葉し、葉を落としてからが実の収穫時季だ。俳句歳時記で「櫨ちぎり」が晩秋の季語とされているように、この実は有用なものとして人びとの生活に親しまれてきた。ちぎった実を蒸して圧搾することによって得られる高融点の脂肪「木蝋( もくろう)」は、最も有名なところでは和ロウソクの、ほかにもポマードや口紅などの化粧品、クレヨンなどの原料となった。
A portion of Satsuma Kaido (Satsuma Highway) in the Tsukinoura District of Minamata is named Samurai Kaido. Satsuma Kaido was paved during the Edo period, and is said to have been used by samurai at the time. Along Samurai Kaido stands Hazenoki-kan, a building reminiscent of the teahouses of the past.
Haze is a kind of deciduous tree that is said to have come from the Ryuku Kingdom (Okinawa) during the Edo period, and which became part of the native plant population. Minamata is one of the biggest producers of haze nuts. The shredded nuts, once steamed and compressed, can be made into high-quality Japanese wax that is used to make wa candles (Japanese-style candles), pomade, lipsticks, and crayons.
あんがい知られていないが、この櫨の実、水俣が日本一の生産地なのだ。それは江戸時代に肥後藩が藩の財政を豊かにするため、栽培を奨励したことから始まった。記録に残っているところでは宝暦 4(1754) 年に櫨栽培の担当者が任命された。このころ植えられたといわれる木もまだ健在だ。
In1993, Samurai Kaido Hazenoki-kan opened its doors as a museum to promote the history of the tree and Japanese wax production, exhibiting items made out of haze nuts. There is also a section where visitors can experience wa candle making.
Though most of the candles in the market today are made out of fossil-fuel-based paraffin, wa candles are still in high demand at temples and shrines, as they produce much less smoke and soot. The center is hollow, and the air rising through the hollow area creates a wavering flame—a dreamy and refined candlelight effect.
Roughly six hundred meters up the hill, there is a haze tree over two hundred and sixty years old, named the Houreki Haze, standing proud and full of dignity. Four meters wide and ten meters high, this tree, which has seen so much, seems to be telling all of us so many things.
熊本県水俣市月浦453-3(Google MAP) 駐車場あり
Tel 0966-62-2180
見学(無料) ろうそく作り体験1~2時間(有料)
休館日 毎週月曜日(祝祭日の場合は、翌日),年末年始(12月31日~1月2日)
Samurai Kaido Hazenoki-kan
Tsukiura 453-3, Minamata, Kumamoto Parking Available
Tel 0966-62-2180
Open 9:00am-5:00pm
Observation (free of charge) Candle making experience: 1 to 2 hours (fee required)
Closed Mondays (if Monday is a national holiday, the following day will be closed)
Year-end and New Year’s holidays (Dec.31 – Jan.2)
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