A Hot Spring at the Seashore Yunoko Onsen
(by Minamata Impact)
There are two hot springs in Minamata, one in the sea and one in the mountains. In the case of the beach hot springs, you can enjoy the hot springs while watching the red sunset over the Shiranui Sea. You can also enjoy the sea breeze in bathing. The name of the hot spring at the sea is Yunoko Onsen. The highest point on the road to Yunoko Onsen is called Tonton Pass, and the view of the sea from there is one of the most famous sights in Minamata.
(by Minamata Impact)
The following is an excerpt from “Minamata Dodo” planned and supervised by Minamata City.
湯の児温泉という名は古事記や日本書紀に記される第12代天皇、景行( けいこう)天皇が九州巡幸(熊襲討伐のためといわれる)のとき、この海を眺め、そこに湯がぽつりぽつりと湧いているのを見て、湯というには温度が未熟だ、親ではなく湯の児だと命名したとの伝説がある。時代がぐっと下がって江戸後期、思想家高山彦九郎が九州を旅した際の筑紫日記に「〜〜湯ノ子嶋とて小嶋あり、海中温泉有といふ・・・・・・」と書いた。ところどころに、やはり微温湯の湧出も見受けたらしい。けれども、湯の湧くことは事実らしかったが、温泉としてたっぷりした量まではなかなか得られなかった。
孫の原田万里はそう聞かされている。途中で大洪水に遭うなど多事多難、でもやると決めたらやり通す、と「家屋敷も売って 」夢を追った。その甲斐あって大正12(1925)年、ついに実る。
This hot spring district has a great view of the sea, colored by the sunset. It also has a long history.
The Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) and Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) note that while touring Kyushu, the h Emperor of Japan looked out over the sea, noticed small dots of hot springs on the seashore, and declared that the temperature in these hot springs was not high enough for them to be a real hot spring, and that they should thus be called yu no ko, or child hot spring. Much later on, in the late Edo Period, the philosopher Hikokuro Takayama wrote in Chikushi Nikki, which he penned while traveling in Kyushu: “. . . A small island here called Yunoko. It is said to be a hot spring in the sea.” Lukewarm water indeed sprung from several spots, but it was not nearly enough for a full-blown hot spring.
Many people attempted to excavate the hot spring, and all failed, that is, until a certain town councilor came along. His granddaughter was told that he dug and dug without success, facing many hardships, including a flood along the way. He was determined, however, and continued pursuing his dream, even selling his house and lot to continue. And in 1925, he finally succeeded. “My grandfather, he had dreams about the spring water just gushing out,” she says.
さすがは海辺の温泉、亀がシンボルとなっている。山に湧くのが湯の鶴でこちらは亀、とても縁起 がいい。夏には海水浴客で賑わう湯の児島(干潮時に陸と繋がる島)には、願かけのモニュメントもあって、人びとの小銭を甲羅で受け止めている。
He had built a sky-high scaffolding and dug deeper and deeper with some bamboo sticks, until finally, hot spring water gushed out. This historical spot is now Nakamura Onsen, a hot spring without a lodging facility, intended to be used as a family bath.
Yunoko, sometimes called the land-tied island, is popular with beach goers in the summer. Yunoko’s symbol, fitting for a seaside hot spring, is a turtle. There is even a turtle-shaped monument where people can pray, and toss change into its shell. The Yatsushiro Sea, in its calm, deep blue grandeur, and the sense of openness it offers, is a great accompaniment to the hot spring. The water, which contains weak alkaline sodium, is a hydrogen carbonate and chloride hot spring that warms the body from its core.
熊本県水俣市大迫湯の児(Google MAP) 駐車場あり
Yunoko hot spring
Yunoko, Osako, Minamata, Kumamoto Parking available
By public transportation, get off the Minakuru Bus Yunoko Line at “Yunoko”.
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