祈りの言葉2013年/金子 スミ子

水俣病患者・遺族代表 「祈りの言葉」
Minamata Disease Patient and Bereaved Family Representative’s “Words of Prayer”



As a representative of patients and bereaved families, I would like to offer my prayers.

I remember I was twenty years old when I got married. At that time, my husband was working for a shipping company. Since our house was right in front of the ocean, he used to go to the beach before going to work and pick up lots of crabs and oysters for me. Soon after the marriage, our first son was born. In April 1953, when our first son was two years old, he staggered and could not walk. We took him to several hospitals, but no doctor could find a cure. A year later, my husband, who had been in good health, also became ill. My husband and I were advised to go to Kumamoto University Hospital, and we went there in August. On the day we visited the hospital, my husband was immediately hospitalized. However, the doctors could not figure out the cause of the disease. All they did was give him penicillin injections just for a little comfort. Our second son, who was born around the same time, never spoke to us and passed away after only 29 days. We had prepared a kimono for him to wear for a shrine visit to pray for his future blessings. But he never had a chance to wear it and we put it in the coffin with him.


My husband left the university hospital in about two months. A year later, however, his condition suddenly worsened and he was hospitalized again. He was unable to speak properly, and he became worse day by day. It was so painful to see my husband suffering from convulsions that I could not stop crying. I said to the doctor, “Please do anything to help him”. Then the doctor said, “Don’t interfere the treatment. Let me handle it.” I heard that relatives were not allowed to stay in the room once the treatment began, and I also thought my husband would feel miserable being watched by everyone while he was struggling. Finally, I decided to take him home. I just couldn’t leave him there anymore. Two weeks later, violent cramps threatened my husband without interruption. My mother-in-law held her beloved son in her arms and my husband drew his last breath convulsively on her chest. It was May of 1955. I was seven months pregnant then. I thought about giving up having a child, but my mother-in-law encouraged me, “You’ve been blessed with a child, so give birth to it”. With her support, I gave birth to my third son. Even after a hundred days, half a year, or a year, my third son could not hold his head up. I was worried about what kind of disease he had, and to my surprise, it later turned out that he had fetal Minamata disease. It was very difficult for me to make a living with young children and an old mother. We were barely making ends meet.


I think it was the time around my eldest son started school. My eldest and the third sons were playing on the street above our house. Then Dr. Harada came and asked them, “Where is your house?” My sons brought Dr. Harada to our house. The doctor said to me, “Both of your sons have Minamata disease, don’t they?” I said, “The older one has Minamata disease, but the younger one does not”. Then he asked me further, “Why?”. I said, “You ask me why? That’s because the doctors like you always tell me he doesn’t. They say my younger son doesn’t have Minamata disease because he didn’t eat the fish. But I don’t think they are right. The mercury from the fish I ate must have gotten into the baby through the stomach while he was in my tummy”. Dr. Harada says it was his first encounter with the fetal Minamata disease patient. One week before Dr. Harada passed away, I went to see him to pay my last respects to him. Dr. Harada had been coming to Minamata for 50 years until he passed away last year, and had been a good counselor for the fetal patients including my third son. My third son was still walking when he was in his twenties. He used to go to city center and have drinks with friends. However, as he entered his thirties, he gradually lost the ability to walk. He can’t stand up anymore, and it has been getting harder for him to have him heard. Since he entered his forties, he has been in a wheelchair. At home, it was very difficult for him to take a bath, but now he can with the help from the care facility called “Hotto House”, where he and other fetal patients go every day. It has been a great help to us.

私も、もうすぐ82歳になります。毎日、子供たちのこれからが、とても心配です。皆さんのお力を借りなければやっていけません。三男は、仲間の人たちと一緒に、「ほっとはうす」で、訪問してくださる皆さんと交流するのを、楽しみにしています。みんなと一緒に学校とかに出かけることもあります。 私たち家族は、水俣病にふりまわされた日々でした。辛い思いもしましたが、精一杯生きてきました。亡き夫も遠くから見守ってくれていると思います。

I will soon become eighty two years old. Every day, I am very worried about the future of my children. It won’t do without the help from others. My third son, together with his friends, is looking forward to seeing the visitors at Hotto House. They often enjoy going out to school or other places. Our family’s lives have been greatly affected by Minamata disease for a long time. We had a hard time, but we lived our lives to the best of our ability. I think my deceased husband is watching over us from a distance.


I became a storyteller at the Minamata Disease Museum because I did not want other women all over the world to suffer like I did. I will continue to tell my story as long as I am able to. As long as my son and other fetal Minamata disease patiets are alive, Minamata disease will never end. Please do not forget about Minamata disease and its patients even if there remains only one in the future. To the many patients who died of Minamata disease, please rest in peace.

May 1, 2013
水俣病患者・遺族代表  金子 スミ子
Sumiko Kaneko, 
Representative of Minamata Disease Patients and Bereaved Families


Reference Minamata City Minamata Disease Museum Website
翻訳 水俣インパクト  translated by minamata impact


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