
  「過去の悲しみを、未来への希望に変えて…」 人生に悲しみなんてない方がいい。
(by Minamata Impact)

It is better to have no sorrow in life.
However, the sadness that we experience may make us kinder for it, hoping that no one else will ever experience the same sorrow again.
 Minamata, with the sorrow of its pollution past in its heart, vowed to be a leader for a future where no one in the world will ever experience the same sorrow again. Minamata became the first “Environmental City of Japan”.
(by Minamata Impact)

The following is an excerpt from “Minamata Dodo” planned and supervised by Minamata City.

不幸にして水俣病を患った人びとの苦難は筆舌に尽くせぬものだった。汚染された魚を食べた母の、おなかのなかで患うことになる( 胎児性水俣病)など、悲痛きわまりない多くの現実を突きつけられることになる。


The suffering of those afflicted by Minamata disease was indescribable. Mothers who had eaten contaminated fish had to face the fact that their unborn children had contracted fetal Minamata disease in the womb. This, and many other grueling realizations, became the reality for Minamata residents.

The cause of the symptoms was not clarified for a long time, and the chaos of the endless arguments and court cases, fought between the perpetrators and the victims, drove the city into confusion and tore its citizens’ souls apart. Minamata, for a long time, faced such unprecedented tragedy.



In the end, however, Minamata residents were determined. They were united in their desire to overcome each hardship and make efforts to achieve the best environmental conditions, precisely because they had experienced such a horrific ecological disaster. Their hopes came to fruition when, in 2011, Minamata won the honor of being named the first “Eco-Capital of Japan.” The contest, modeled after one in environmentally-progressive Germany, was held to promote the exchange of information regarding environmental issues between municipalities and with NGOs, and to support the citizens’ (NGOs’) efforts to develop environmentally sound municipalities.

The people of Minamata, who love the natural features of their city, share a strong desire to nurture this nature, and to engage in manufacturing using its resources. And this desire, this strong will, is unwavering precisely because they have overcome these serious calamities.


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