祈りの言葉2005年/鴨川 喜代太

水俣病患者・遺族代表 「祈りの言葉」
Minamata Disease Patient and Bereaved Family Representative’s “Words of Prayer”


On the occasion of the memorial service for the victims of Minamata disease, I would like to express my prayers on behalf of the patients and bereaved families. However, I was very hesitant to stand here. That’ s because some of the victims want to be left alone. On the other hand, however, there is also a worry that if Minamata disease is forgotten, it may happen again. Although I have very mixed feelings about this, as a representative of the patient group, I would like to offer my prayers to the victims of Minamata disease, with hopes for the future of our community.


I was born and raised in Modo and Modo is the place where I became ill. However, I still like it in Modo, so I live here. The sea in Modo is no longer as rich as it used to be, but people still live together cheerfully and cohesively as in the past.
Many people come to Modo to learn about Minamata disease. I think it is a good thing for people from other parts of Japan to visit Minamata to learn about the disease, but I don’t think it’s good if they regard the fact that Minamata disease has turned all the people in Minamata coldhearted. 


The Minamata disease did cause some difficulties in human relations, but I think some of it was unavoidable because it overlapped with other problems. I’m also a patient, but I don’t remember being treated unbearably cold by the locals, or if I had, I’ve forgotten it. So, I still like to live in Maodo. Minamata disease took away a lot of things, but I believe it failed to take away people’s hearts as well. I am sure that many more people will continue to research and work on Minamata disease, but I hope that they will also pay attention to the people living in the area. We want to live in harmony with others who live in the same community.


Many people died from Minamata disease. My relatives and acquaintances also lost their lives. I once had hated Minamata disease and resented Chisso. But now I can think that anyone can make mistakes. Although it is a sad reality that it is impossible to bring back the lives of those who died, I hope that Chisso, the government and the prefecture will take further action.


It seems to me that in Minamata, everything is connected to Minamata disease. It seems to me that the main focus is on the bad things. It has been half a century since the outbreak of Minamata disease. I don’t think we should let the experience of Minamata disease fade away, but as a local, I think it is time for me to live a peaceful life. I can’t stand the confusion caused by Minamata disease. I think it is important to solve the problem as soon as possible and unite everyone to tell the story of Minamata disease. I hope that we can all continue to make Minamata a clean and friendly place without pollution, and that the people who died of Minamata disease can be rewarded as much as possible by cherishing our hometown and living together in harmony.

Last but not least, I would like to say a prayer for the souls of all the victims.

May 1st, 2005

水俣病患者遺族代表 鴨川 喜代太
Kiyota Kamogawa,
Representative of Minamata Disease Patients and Bereaved Families

Reference Minamata City Minamata Disease Museum Website
翻訳 水俣インパクト  translated by minamata impact


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